B5 Letter: 8.25 inches wide by 12 inches tall (International standard).
Tabloid: 11 inches wide by 17 inches tall.
-- part contents for card part 12
----- text -----
Select the paper size you intend to use:
U.S. Letter: 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall.
U.S. Legal: 8.5 inches wide by 14 inches tall.
-- part contents for card part 13
----- text -----
Enter a percentage for a reduction or enlargement.
-- part contents for card part 14
----- text -----
Select the way you want type to appear—vertically or horizontally.
-- part contents for card part 15
----- text -----
The printer effects that appear here depend on the printer and printer resources you are using. See the manual that came with your printer for details.
-- part contents for card part 16
----- text -----
Click OK to confirm your settings.
Click Cancel to cancel the command.
Click Options to display a dialog box of graphics options for printing, such as flipping and inverting.
Click Help for on-line information about the printer effects and graphics options.